Friday 20 May 2011

Part One

Today, I have decided to go to Austria. This is my big plan which I think will keep me motivated until I make my return to Falmouth.
I plan to spend 7 (or so) days in the b-e-a-utiful country touring the site and relaxing. I have this idea that I want to spend half a day on the side of some mountain drinking coffee (or most likely some Austrian beer) while soaking up the rays and chatting too, what I've been told, are some of the most friendly people in Europe. This combined with the crystal clear lakes, which yes Scott will be swimming in, sound like the greatest way to spend summer '11.
Listen to me im slowly turning into one of those holiday sales women, who look like there all made the same factory. Bless them!! "Oh yes sir, Austria has everything... the lakes , the culture and the history, its a definite must see before you die!! Having been there my self I would recommend this, that and the other!!" While she says this to me I'm thinking of what is for tea!

My theory on planning a holiday or any trip away is to recount films which have had nice looking locations in. My greatest example would be Casino Royale and the scenes in Montenegro. This will then spur me onto finding all the the flights from London or if I want to risk it Manchester or Liverpool (jokes). Then the final decision is made by the use of Wikipedia. I like to think using good ol' wikipedia as my gateway to the most up to date information (which we all know is bullshit) so I can gain the clearest idea of what that country would be like!
After much deliberation I have decided to get people to come with me, after all what's a trip if I cant share it with someone or some people (soppy really but I'm not afraid to admit it) I reckon I have to potential people on board.
Traveling for me is not just about seeing different things and people, I like to think it as a way to make stories. If I find myself in 30 years time without stories then I will be a pissed off man with lots of regrets. So now that I have nothing anchoring me down, lets get story making!!!

This brings me to my quote, (taken from H G Wells' - 'The first men in the Moon') "The captive, that stirs inside us, is the spirit of adventure"

I hold this quote in high esteem, this is what drives me to visit these places and create stories. I know it may sound pretentious but I genuinely feel this way about the adventure. I feel I must find it before I lose it. (now thats a quote, that can be used when I'm famous and dead....)
Austria will be my first stop in my adventure. I have been to places before this one but I feel this is different because this is my 'virgin trip', if you like, where I'm on my own. When I say on my own, I mean without the aid of lectures or teachers that have come along for the ride!

I read an article in the National Geographic today (May 2011 Edition) which looked into the climbers, BASE Jumpers and Slack Liners at Yosemite. I couldn't believe when I started reading it and looking at the breath taking pictures that accompanied the text. There were climbers milling around in tents strapped to the side of El Capitan. Bloody insane. Haven't these guys heard of Sir Isaac Newton?!?!
BUT and I say this with passion, I envy them. In my opinion these guys are gods amongst men. They have no fear, they have no remorse and for that reason I'm attracted to reading more and watching more. I do a bit of free climbing my self (really its more like bouldering) but I would never imagine going to do anything like that. I have a lot of admiration for those guys. I would love to hang out with them, I think aside for the dare devil stunts and frolicking on cliff faces, I reckon they would sound as a pound, and have a lot of time for me. There you go my 2 cents on an article in the National Geographic.

Now I'm going to talk about films, apart from traveling or dreaming to travel, films are my second passion. It has just come to my attention that the first picture of one Mr Tom Hardy as Bane in The Dark Knight Rises' has been released. One word springs to mind...interesting.

I dare you to look your self-------->

This should be Nolans master piece in the trilogy I reckon. If the last one wasn't good enough this one will blow the average comic book geeks (ME) socks off.

As this is my first blog ever I don't know how to end it, so I will leave you with a joke........

What do you call a man with a seagull on his head?


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