Sunday 18 September 2011

Part Seven

I am currently not tired and so I thought id write some utter crap on here.

Im off to the mountains in 3 days with a good buddy to do some "story making". This I think will be the a good trip. Its got the three main ingredients that I think make up a great adventure.

1 Unknown land - I say its 'unknown' just because I myself have never been there but I know that its populated by over 8 million people so 'unknown' isnt the exact word that should describe the place. But you could also say that about Marco Polo or Christoper Columbus, who did the same as me, more or less. What I mean by this, is that they both 'visited' places that actually had people already living there, but they still claim it as a 'discovery'. So its decided then im gonna discover Austria! (Again)
(SIDE NOTE: Marco Polo was never proven to have gone to China across the land but for the sake of this rant im gonna give him the benefit of the doubt)

2  Friendly inhabitants - lets face it people the last thing anyone wants to go see is a bunch of cannibalistic people running at you with knives and forks as you get off the plane! This is why I have chosen Europe (among other reasons) they're reasonably civilised human folk, with some exceptions! I won't say which ones, on here that would probably taken out of context and I would get told off for virtual racism or some crap!

3 Geography - Yes alright for those who know of me, they should know that I love geography, I did do a degree in it for Christ sake. So Austria is an ideal to take some snaps and study the landscape! after all Geography loosely translates to the 'study of the earth'. So thats what im gonna do!! study that sum bitch!

Have a read of this.... it may wet your whistle to go deeper into finding something you didnt know about a place that no one really ever talks about! (except in history lesson when you learn about WW2 or when the family sits down at christmas and watches the Sound of Music!! (oh great now I have the song stuck in my head........

While you on you tube take a look at this.... made me laugh for a few minutes

To end Part Seven  im going to leave you pondering this.......what came first the chicken or the dick head?!?!?!?!

That is all..............

Friday 9 September 2011

Part Six


I never thought id hear my self say that but i have booked the tickets and I'm off in a little over 2 weeks!. What better way to recharge the battery then a hammering of Austrian culture.

My Austrian list will be, at last, ticked off!

The trip consists of  Munich, Berchesgarten, Salzburg, Zell am See and Innsbruck and any other stops along the way.
After doing my extensive research...(Sound of Music, Band of Brothers and Wikipedia) I am well up to date with Austria.
I have a companion coming along with me, who I like to think is my driver, but im sure he would disagree.
So before my next two years of potentially being skint again I thought I would get some travelling done asap and so time to make some stories (see Part 1).

Speaking of uni and going back I have decided to do things a little differently this time around. My decision is based on the first time round and me missing the south west so much. I feel I wasted my time on certain things and didn't really take in all of the Falmouth and Cornwall. To many nights spent getting drunk and the days after recovering from those drunken escapades. Don't get me wrong I did enjoy those nights out but I feel I didn't appreciated my time as much.

ANYWAY back to the Austria trip, I've decided that the cheapest way to do tings is to stay in campsites all along the route! I have picked out some of the best (I hope) camping spots in Austria. The best by far is the one at Zell am See. Its right on the lake and has some of the best views of the mountains and the glaciers.

I think the best thing about this trip is that its gonna be on our own terms, we have a car, money and the desire to stop where we damn well please!!! Im gonna have to get pictures of this journey as i think its gonna unmissable! I dont want to get to 65 and have forgotten about it!!!

I sit here writing this (with porridge in one hand) and picturing me getting up in the morning and taking a swim in the crystal clear waters of the lake and chowing down on some of the finest dishes Austria has to offer!!! What more can I guy ask for!!

Any way I will let you know how it goes!!!

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