Tuesday 28 June 2011

Part Five

Just a quick point.....after observing my dad I have noticed, and indeed I think this applies to all blokes (including yours truly), one of the struggles in a males life is the little tie wraps that help keep a bread loaf in the packaging. You know the one?!?! there usually yellow and can be found on all bread loaves! I watched my dad for a good few minutes declaring war on this tricky piece of kit, until a great level headed women in his life (my dearest mother) came in a sorted out a piece treaty between my dad and the tie wrap.

I have some bloody good news reports to give you people. Scouring the worlds media I have found these...........

(Nice idea!!)

(when you read this one, take a look at the person being measured, isn't it a baby?)

(In a way this would rather cool to see. Obviously the nuclear explosion wouldn't good or the mass killings by the T100's)

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