Sunday 18 September 2011

Part Seven

I am currently not tired and so I thought id write some utter crap on here.

Im off to the mountains in 3 days with a good buddy to do some "story making". This I think will be the a good trip. Its got the three main ingredients that I think make up a great adventure.

1 Unknown land - I say its 'unknown' just because I myself have never been there but I know that its populated by over 8 million people so 'unknown' isnt the exact word that should describe the place. But you could also say that about Marco Polo or Christoper Columbus, who did the same as me, more or less. What I mean by this, is that they both 'visited' places that actually had people already living there, but they still claim it as a 'discovery'. So its decided then im gonna discover Austria! (Again)
(SIDE NOTE: Marco Polo was never proven to have gone to China across the land but for the sake of this rant im gonna give him the benefit of the doubt)

2  Friendly inhabitants - lets face it people the last thing anyone wants to go see is a bunch of cannibalistic people running at you with knives and forks as you get off the plane! This is why I have chosen Europe (among other reasons) they're reasonably civilised human folk, with some exceptions! I won't say which ones, on here that would probably taken out of context and I would get told off for virtual racism or some crap!

3 Geography - Yes alright for those who know of me, they should know that I love geography, I did do a degree in it for Christ sake. So Austria is an ideal to take some snaps and study the landscape! after all Geography loosely translates to the 'study of the earth'. So thats what im gonna do!! study that sum bitch!

Have a read of this.... it may wet your whistle to go deeper into finding something you didnt know about a place that no one really ever talks about! (except in history lesson when you learn about WW2 or when the family sits down at christmas and watches the Sound of Music!! (oh great now I have the song stuck in my head........

While you on you tube take a look at this.... made me laugh for a few minutes

To end Part Seven  im going to leave you pondering this.......what came first the chicken or the dick head?!?!?!?!

That is all..............

Friday 9 September 2011

Part Six


I never thought id hear my self say that but i have booked the tickets and I'm off in a little over 2 weeks!. What better way to recharge the battery then a hammering of Austrian culture.

My Austrian list will be, at last, ticked off!

The trip consists of  Munich, Berchesgarten, Salzburg, Zell am See and Innsbruck and any other stops along the way.
After doing my extensive research...(Sound of Music, Band of Brothers and Wikipedia) I am well up to date with Austria.
I have a companion coming along with me, who I like to think is my driver, but im sure he would disagree.
So before my next two years of potentially being skint again I thought I would get some travelling done asap and so time to make some stories (see Part 1).

Speaking of uni and going back I have decided to do things a little differently this time around. My decision is based on the first time round and me missing the south west so much. I feel I wasted my time on certain things and didn't really take in all of the Falmouth and Cornwall. To many nights spent getting drunk and the days after recovering from those drunken escapades. Don't get me wrong I did enjoy those nights out but I feel I didn't appreciated my time as much.

ANYWAY back to the Austria trip, I've decided that the cheapest way to do tings is to stay in campsites all along the route! I have picked out some of the best (I hope) camping spots in Austria. The best by far is the one at Zell am See. Its right on the lake and has some of the best views of the mountains and the glaciers.

I think the best thing about this trip is that its gonna be on our own terms, we have a car, money and the desire to stop where we damn well please!!! Im gonna have to get pictures of this journey as i think its gonna unmissable! I dont want to get to 65 and have forgotten about it!!!

I sit here writing this (with porridge in one hand) and picturing me getting up in the morning and taking a swim in the crystal clear waters of the lake and chowing down on some of the finest dishes Austria has to offer!!! What more can I guy ask for!!

Any way I will let you know how it goes!!!

Tuesday 28 June 2011

Part Five

Just a quick point.....after observing my dad I have noticed, and indeed I think this applies to all blokes (including yours truly), one of the struggles in a males life is the little tie wraps that help keep a bread loaf in the packaging. You know the one?!?! there usually yellow and can be found on all bread loaves! I watched my dad for a good few minutes declaring war on this tricky piece of kit, until a great level headed women in his life (my dearest mother) came in a sorted out a piece treaty between my dad and the tie wrap.

I have some bloody good news reports to give you people. Scouring the worlds media I have found these...........
(Nice idea!!)
(when you read this one, take a look at the person being measured, isn't it a baby?)
(In a way this would rather cool to see. Obviously the nuclear explosion wouldn't good or the mass killings by the T100's)

Monday 6 June 2011

Part Four

I needed to show you these people.....its a selection of brilliant photographs that represent time

Not bad right?

Sunday 5 June 2011

Part Three

Well its been a while since my last one!! I have been bouncing around ides of what to write for the third instalment, of lets face it, the ramblings of some bloke bored out of his mind in a very small yet very shite village in the centre of Lincolnshire.  

Before I continue.... I need you all to know how much I loved the new X-Men film (cleverly entitled X- men First Class, this is because its a prequel to the first three films you novices). It had everything, the comedy, the action, the struggle of the characters. You do defiantly get you moneys worth in this film, I would think about going people even if you don't like the genre of film.  

Any way there's my rotten tomato style review, I feel its as good as the people who do the reviews. Who I think have no idea what the hell their talking about, because I love most of the films that they discredit. Seriously how on earth do they come up with their percentages. It cant come from geeks sat in  room working stuff out  'based on probability and numbers'.
I reckon they have a dart board style piece of kit with the numbers from 1 - 100 (for the %'s) and where ever the dart lands then this is rating for the review. Its utter crap Rotten Tomatoes and such film critics as you. YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING more then the average humanoid cinema dwelling creature.. so stop giving it the large ones and let people make there own mind up. 

I babble on.....

Yesterday (04-06-11) I had one of the most surreal moments in my life to date. Picture this people....Im sat at a mates house drinking, what is considered some of the best moonshine cider in all of two villages, when we hear a scream outside....

Before I go on I must reveal that my mate lives on a farm in the middle of nowhere (away from the shite small village I live in, what a lucky bastard)

....We both launch up out of our very comfy throw back chairs and run outside, ( I must admit I was panicking slightly) to see my mates sister coming round the corner with a stick in her hand shouting bloody loud. She went on to inform us that a crafty little shit of a fox had got one of the chickens and wouldn't let go. At this point (this is were, I think the story kind of steps up into the surreal) my mate runs into his house only to appear again with what looks like a rather large shotgun, (at this point I thought all hell was going to break loose, some proper WW3 shit was going to go down) we started running in the direction to which the fox had scampered off in. 
So can you picture it? two guys, one with a bottle of moonshine cider the other with shotgun traipsing after a fox through a  field. I honest to god thought I was in a cheap dirty south film for a few minutes, you know the ones, they normally have bare footed guys shooting boom sticks at each other in there cool looking dungarees. 
I mean come on when does any one ever have a Saturday night like this, it defiantly beats going to the local flea pit (by that I mean town) and getting your head bottled for saying 'excuse me' now doesn't it.......

There you go I dare you to come up with  more surreal anecdote.

Stay tuned................

Tuesday 24 May 2011

Part Two

A taste of Earth
My pictures of the week.......

The Matterhorn, Alps

Lightening Storm,  Arizona

Lago diOlginate, Italy

Badab Sourt Spring, Iran

Yosemite Falls

Space Shuttle 145 seen from an Airplane

Alaskan Bears (the closest is called Bryan)

Surfing in Iceland

The wilderness of Chikuminuk and Wood-Tikchick State Park, Alaska

Shuttle 145 on approach to the ISS

 Ballerina in Cuba

 Nuns in Peru 

Silverback Gorilla, Africa

Victoria Fall, Zambia

Taken from © 1996-2011 National Geographic Society. All rights reserved

Friday 20 May 2011

Part One

Today, I have decided to go to Austria. This is my big plan which I think will keep me motivated until I make my return to Falmouth.
I plan to spend 7 (or so) days in the b-e-a-utiful country touring the site and relaxing. I have this idea that I want to spend half a day on the side of some mountain drinking coffee (or most likely some Austrian beer) while soaking up the rays and chatting too, what I've been told, are some of the most friendly people in Europe. This combined with the crystal clear lakes, which yes Scott will be swimming in, sound like the greatest way to spend summer '11.
Listen to me im slowly turning into one of those holiday sales women, who look like there all made the same factory. Bless them!! "Oh yes sir, Austria has everything... the lakes , the culture and the history, its a definite must see before you die!! Having been there my self I would recommend this, that and the other!!" While she says this to me I'm thinking of what is for tea!

My theory on planning a holiday or any trip away is to recount films which have had nice looking locations in. My greatest example would be Casino Royale and the scenes in Montenegro. This will then spur me onto finding all the the flights from London or if I want to risk it Manchester or Liverpool (jokes). Then the final decision is made by the use of Wikipedia. I like to think using good ol' wikipedia as my gateway to the most up to date information (which we all know is bullshit) so I can gain the clearest idea of what that country would be like!
After much deliberation I have decided to get people to come with me, after all what's a trip if I cant share it with someone or some people (soppy really but I'm not afraid to admit it) I reckon I have to potential people on board.
Traveling for me is not just about seeing different things and people, I like to think it as a way to make stories. If I find myself in 30 years time without stories then I will be a pissed off man with lots of regrets. So now that I have nothing anchoring me down, lets get story making!!!

This brings me to my quote, (taken from H G Wells' - 'The first men in the Moon') "The captive, that stirs inside us, is the spirit of adventure"

I hold this quote in high esteem, this is what drives me to visit these places and create stories. I know it may sound pretentious but I genuinely feel this way about the adventure. I feel I must find it before I lose it. (now thats a quote, that can be used when I'm famous and dead....)
Austria will be my first stop in my adventure. I have been to places before this one but I feel this is different because this is my 'virgin trip', if you like, where I'm on my own. When I say on my own, I mean without the aid of lectures or teachers that have come along for the ride!

I read an article in the National Geographic today (May 2011 Edition) which looked into the climbers, BASE Jumpers and Slack Liners at Yosemite. I couldn't believe when I started reading it and looking at the breath taking pictures that accompanied the text. There were climbers milling around in tents strapped to the side of El Capitan. Bloody insane. Haven't these guys heard of Sir Isaac Newton?!?!
BUT and I say this with passion, I envy them. In my opinion these guys are gods amongst men. They have no fear, they have no remorse and for that reason I'm attracted to reading more and watching more. I do a bit of free climbing my self (really its more like bouldering) but I would never imagine going to do anything like that. I have a lot of admiration for those guys. I would love to hang out with them, I think aside for the dare devil stunts and frolicking on cliff faces, I reckon they would sound as a pound, and have a lot of time for me. There you go my 2 cents on an article in the National Geographic.

Now I'm going to talk about films, apart from traveling or dreaming to travel, films are my second passion. It has just come to my attention that the first picture of one Mr Tom Hardy as Bane in The Dark Knight Rises' has been released. One word springs to mind...interesting.

I dare you to look your self-------->

This should be Nolans master piece in the trilogy I reckon. If the last one wasn't good enough this one will blow the average comic book geeks (ME) socks off.

As this is my first blog ever I don't know how to end it, so I will leave you with a joke........

What do you call a man with a seagull on his head?


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